Thursday, November 4, 2021

Blog #2- Supreme Court


1. What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you did not already know?

Throughout the video, I learned a lot about the Supreme Court that I did not already know. I personally have never learned a lot about it and only recall a little bit of my high school history classes. Something new that I learned was the Supreme Court receives 7,000 cases a year and 100 new cases a week. When hearing this all I could think about is how overwhelming that must be. Then to discover that the justices basically work alone on these cases. Reading through them, deciding if they want to keep them or not, and forming their opinion on the cases without anyone's help. These cases are then taken and lawyers stand in front of them for only 30 minutes each and present their side of it. After the nine justices get together and vote on the case. I found all of this interesting because it's a lot of work for these nine appointed justices. Without knowing a lot about the Supreme Court, I assumed there were a lot of people behind the scenes helping them.

2. What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

My most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is that everyone is equal. There are no cases that just get handed to the supreme court because someone is of a higher power, like the president for example. All cases have to wait for the people to bring the problem to the court. That is important to me because everyone gets a fair chance. For example, a high-priced legal consul is treated the exact same way a case that was sent in from a prisoner would be treated. Equality within the court system is what keeps the people trusting of the Supreme Court.

3. What was the most surprising thing you learned?

One of the most surprising things I learned from the video is that all the members respect each other. As mentioned in the clip, when entering the room they all shake hands, and they like that because they feel as if no one can hold a grudge against each other. I was personally shocked to hear that they all respect each other because everyone has such different opinions on each case. They obviously disagree but in the end, they still look at each other the same. Following my important takeaway, it just goes to show that they all think of each other as equals, and I am sure that is what keeps their jobs going. 

4. How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

The video changed the way I thought about the Supreme Court because I have never been fully educated on the court. It showed me how much the Supreme Court actually does. Hearing the current court tell the new members how long it takes to adjust to the job shows the length their job goes to. After watching the film I know now more than ever that being a Supreme Court Justice takes a certain kind of person. Someone who is hardworking, driven, organized, and able to work in very overwhelming/ stressful environments. 

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