Monday, November 1, 2021

Blog #1- My Five Top Sources of News and Information

 1. Fox News via Instagram

Fox News is a source that I use to get information on politics and other news stories. While people think that Fox can be biased, I prefer it over other channels because it is a right-wing perspective. I personally like Fox because it isn’t always just about politics. I am able to follow stories such as the Gabby Petito case as well. 

2. E-News via Instagram

E-News is one of my most used news sources. I use E-News to follow up on all of my favorite celebrities. When comparing this news source to a similar source such a TMZ, I prefer E because it is usually more reliable. TMZ is known for false information that gets corrected by E-News. I recommend this news source if you enjoy keeping you with celebrities and Hollywood stars.

3. Twitter>Explore>News

I use Twitter news when I want to get different opinions on current news. When something big happens and is released, Twitter news shows everyone's responses to the news. I recommend this because I like to hear what others think about topics. It helps me see where others are coming from. Twitter news also doesn't just post politics. They have sections that are made just for you, and you can also go under different headers like entertainment, whats trending, etc.

4. Inside NOVA

I was born and raised in Northern Virginia and have followed InsideNova for a while. InsideNova is a news source that posts about anything happening within the Northern counties of Virginia. I like InsideNova because I am able to receive email updates, Facebook and Instagram updates, or I can go to their website. It is convenient and informative of what is happening in my hometown. 

5. Google News

Google News is a news source that I use and recommend because it is not biased. It presents a continuous flow of news from all types of sites. Google shows news from all around the world and isn’t filtered for a certain demographic. It is helpful when I want to see what is happening around the world and not just in the United States. 

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