Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Blog #5- The Progressive Era

Today in class we went over the Progressive Era, Marketplace of Ideas, and the Modern First Amendment. We created a timeline from 1914 to 1931. This timeline covered wars, events, acts, and laws. I have personally never been a huge fan of history. That might be because through grade school history was forced on us in a way that wasn't enjoyable. We had to memorize every war, president, event, etc. and the dates they all occurred. So war has never been something that draws my attention. I am very grateful for our troops that risk their lives daily to protect ours. By no means am I trying to downplay that. Many of my family members were in the military and I couldn't appreciate them more. That being said, when I visited and I saw a shocking amount of war related content that I have never seen before. Stuff that I never want to see again. I personally am not anti-war or pro-war. I believe that there is a right and a wrong time for conflict and there is also a right and a wrong way to go about it. In mainstream news you don't really hear about the strong opinions people have against wars. I believe that is because the leaders of our country want to go to war. People like war and there are so many opposing opinions about too many topics today. If the information that is on these websites was posted daily on

mainstream media there would be more anti-war people. Seeing the amount of people killed on the daily would change people perspective. Personally, I have never heard of websites like these. I knew there were people very opposed to war but not this expressive. I am sure websites like this exist because in the media right now anti-war followers do not have a voice. I think to hear strong anti-war voices you have to dig deep and find websites of this sort because of the censorship happening today. The media puts out what is popular and what people want to hear. But the media also puts out what will make them more money.

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Blog #10- EOTO Whistleblowers

Today was our last class of Media Law & Literacy. I am shocked to say I am sad about it. I have very much enjoyed this class because it ...