Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Blog #6- EOTO Technology

In class each student got assigned a different form of technology and had to present their findings to the class. During the EOTO Technology presentations Bluetooth stuck out to me the most. Today, we use Bluetooth all the time. In the car, when using AirPods, connecting to speakers, using cordless keyboards and mouse, etc. I learned that the definition of Bluetooth is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency to share data over a short distance. Before this presentation I never understood how Bluetooth worked. From this definition, I discovered it uses radio frequency. When I first started seeing Bluetooth around me I was about 10
Bluetooth Earpiece

years old. I was old enough to understand that my dad's ear piece was connected to his phone, but without a wire. When I first started to notice Bluetooth it was funny to me. I vaguely remember being at gas stations while my parents filled up their cars and other people would be next to them with their Bluetooth earpiece in. I always thought it looked like they were talking to themselves. From this presentation I learned that Bluetooth has been around much longer than that. It was discovered in 1994 by Ericsson. What I found very interesting was the logo for Bluetooth is two different symbols combined, and those symbols are Ericsson's initials. After the discovery many different inventions came out, like

the wireless mobile headset and even a Bluetooth phone. Bluetooth consists of two devices trusting each other in order to connect. Without this invention the world would be very different today. So many things we do and use incorporate Bluetooth. I am constantly Airdropping photos, videos, files, and more to people around me. My house alarm, garage, and doors all unlock with a click of a button on my phone, and that is because of Bluetooth. Without this discovery, technology wouldn’t be advancing as fast as it is.

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Blog #10- EOTO Whistleblowers

Today was our last class of Media Law & Literacy. I am shocked to say I am sad about it. I have very much enjoyed this class because it ...